Andries de Graeff

Gameplay Developer

Based in Utrecht, The Netherlands

Games I've made

Prototype -004c (2022)

Is a Turn Based Strategy Game, set in a lowpoly world, there are a myriad of classes and enemies, all with their own pack of abilities.

I made all the systems and gameplay elements. Mainly focusing on the Turn Based system. A concept I've had for a long time and one I want to keep working on for a while.

Solo Project

Concept & Design

Gameplay Systems



Fish (2021)

This game is an Applied game for the Stockholm Resilience Centre, to bring awareness to the fact that a lot of the things we order end up in the ocean. With a way to avoid it.

This was a combined effort with a few other students, I was the developer in this team. I made the fish's movement as well as a big part of the generation.

Team Project

Concept & Design

Gameplay Systems

Procedural Terrain Generation

Post Processing


Would you like the Receipt (2019)

In this game you are a Human stranded on an Alien planet. You need money to get back home and so you got a job. One problem, you don't speak the language. A way to get around it is the translation guide hung on the wall, can you help the aliens get the right product? And get your reputation up to par?

This game was the first finished game I have made in Unity, it was a combined effort with a small group. I made the majority of the systems after which I refactored with the other developer.

Team Project

Concept & Design

Pick-up and Give System


SCP-1611 Bug Catchers (2021)

An SCP has gotten loose, wether that was intentional or not, isn't the point, you need to catch this parasite that can transfer from human to human just by making eye contact. With any means necisairy you need to stop the Parasite.

A Small game that I rapidly prototyped, as an assignment. Though I am very happy with how the game turned out. I made all the gameplay systems and a few of the quick models. The rest I got from free websites.

Solo Project

Concept & Design

Gameplay Systems



There is more on my page.

Systems I've made


A movement system, completely capable of traversing a ton of different terrains. It can climb vertical walls based on nodes as well as run, slide and double jump where needed.

Inverse Kinematics



Character Controller

State Machine

A simple yet robust generic State machine. One that uses transitions that are defined outside of the states and state machine. So you can easily add and remove a lot of transitions where you need it. 

I use this state machine in almost all projects and I keep adding and changing things to it. 

Generic System



Wave Function Collapse

A level generation system, both for 2D and 3D maps. Optimized for best use in bigger games with bigger rooms. 

Plans for the future are to add a way to make bigger rooms that connect together, or bigger predefined rooms.

Procedural Terrain Generation


Simple Terrain Generation

A simple blocky terrain generator, with an unload and load function based on the players position.

Used in the Fish game as well. I did some heavy optimization for it as well.

Procedural Terrain Generation


There is more on my Github.





Visual Studio (Code)





Dutch (Fluent)
English (Fluent)
German (Basic)
Motorcycle (Basic)